Years 5 and 6 Program Leader | Mr Brendan Ganley

With only one day remaining to the close of the 2018 school year, excitement is in the air. Today our Years 5 and 6 students enjoyed a day at Wet ‘n Wild. This was a great occasion for our youngest men to finish off the year, especially after a busy Term 4.

This week we celebrated the end of 2018 with our annual Year 5 and Year 6 masses in the chapel. It was a wonderful, prayerful occasion to reflect on how far each student from Years 5 and 6 has grown and matured over the course of the year.

Congratulations must go to the young men of Years 5 and 6 for the enthusiasm and dedication with which they challenged themselves to achieve individual goals. Our Year 6 students will now move into secondary education having gained especially from the learning experiences of their primary school years.  

Many thanks to the Years 5 and 6 core teachers, Mrs Maryanne Costi, Mrs Kitty Hopton, Ms Jane Williams, Mrs Victoria Holt, Mr Nick Gill, Mr Darren Brown, Mr Deen Mewburn and Mrs Donna Compton. You have been outstanding in your professional approach to the learning tasks and with your desire to challenge these young men to strive for success. 

Finally, to the families of Years 5 and 6, I wish you the best for the Christmas holiday period. It is time to share with family and friends and hopefully it is a time to stop and enjoy the peace and joy that the Christian message brings. We move into the First Sunday of Advent this weekend as a time to prepare and to play our part to bring new hope and joy to our world. 

Merry Christmas and see you all safe and enthusiastic for another great year at Terrace in 2019.